Coming Soon

The vision for The Sacred Life is big, global, world-changing but it is also local, relational, and personal. Our core mission is to be a platform to teach men how to live with more love, wisdom, and integrity but we also see the bigger picture.

Our aim for The Sacred Life is to let it grow organically based on the feedback, talents, skills, and aspirations of our members. 

Some of the opportunities we envision are:

  • Partnering with courageous, compassionate female leaders to help women live The Sacred Life

  • Connecting members with employers to find meaningful work

  • Supporting companies whose ethos aligns with love, wisdom, and integrity

  • Using love, wisdom, and integrity as a bridge to create stronge romantic partnerships

  • Bring together entrepreneurs and investors who align with the values of love, wisdom, and integrity

These are just a few of the ideas we envision for the future of The Sacred Life community.


We are going to do an experiment. We are going to see if we can tackle one of the hardest challenges anyone must face which is finding and keeping a life partner.

Sacred.Dating will be a website where people who align with The Sacred Life virtues of love, wisdom, and integrity can discover like-minded individuals.

This alignment with the three virtues of love, wisdom, and integrity also gives the couple a plan for what to do when conflict and other challenges arise that every relationship must confront. Stay tuned.


A longtime passion of Reb Buxton, the founder of The Sacred Life, has been to help individuals find meaningful work. Along with love, careers are another big Sacred Mountain for many people.

Getting a job is not the same thing as finding meaningful work. The Sacred Life is gearing up to bring companies who align with the virtues of love, wisdom and integrity together with career-minded individuals who also align with love, wisdom, and integrity. 

This combination will give employers confidence in the people they are hiring while giving individuals a grounded faith in a companies ethos.

Stay tuned for more details.


Yet another passion of Reb Buxton, the founder of The Sacred Life, is the thrill of entrepreneurship and creating businesses that solve real-world problems. Ask him about his Vintage Graphs startup.

Imagine a network of investors and entrepreneurs who had confidence in each other based on their shared values of love, wisdom, and integrity.

It will also be a hub for entrepreneurs to connect for possible partnerships basing their business relationship on the values of love, wisdom, and integrity.

Stay tuned for more details.